ANSI 124.1.2:2005 pdf download

ANSI 124.1.2:2005 pdf download

ANSI 124.1.2:2005 pdf download.American National Standard for Plastic Bathtub and Shower Units.
3.4.3 Performance requirement. There shall he no visible voids larger than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) in diameter below the original finish surface. The maximum allowable number of voids smaller than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) for the two scrubbed areas shall be X
4. Structural integrity of complete units (all types)
4.1 IJnU preparation. These load tests shall be perlormed on complete full-size units installed according to inanufacturer’s installation instructions so as to simulate conditions of permanent installation, excluding linings and piping.
4.2 Drain fitting connection
4.2.1 Test method. A weight of 220 ± 4N (So ± I lb.) shall be gradually applied by means of a lever arm 610 ± 6 mm (24 ± 1/4 in.) in length connected to the drain fitting and extending horitontally as shown in Figure 1. The weight shall be applied to the lever arm over a 5 to 10 second interval so as not to cause a momentary loading exceed. ing the specified test parameters. Any combination of weight and lever arm can he used in lieu of the 50 lb. weight and 24 inch lever arm as long as the moment is equal to 100 foot lbs (135.6 Nm). The arm and weight shall then be placed for one minute in each of three radial positions. two of which shall be approximately 180° (3.141 rad) apart.
4.2.2 Performance requirement. Following the test described in 4.2.1, there shall he no visible cracks in the Iloor surface when inspected with the load in place after again inking as described in 3.3.1.
4.3 Point impact loads
4.3.1 Test method. Bathtubs. A 38.1 mm (1-1/2 in.) diameter,
2.2N (1/2 lb.) steel ball shall be dropped from a height of
0.9 in (36 in.) to strike three different points on flat areas in the bottom of the unit and three different points on the rim. A 38.1 mm (1-1/2 in.) diameter. 2.2N (1/2 lb.) steel ball shall be dropped from a height of 610 mm (24 in.) to strike three different points on radii in the bottom of the unit. The ball shall be free of deformation, dents, gouges or other surface defects. Performance requirement. The bathtub unit shall not show any cracks or chips in the finish surface for each of the three series of three impact tests. Inspect for damagc after again in king as described in 3.3.1.
4.3.2 Showers. A 38.1 mm (1-1/2 in.) diameter. 2.2N (1/2 lb.) steel hail shall be dropped from a height of 0.9 m (36 in.) to strike three different points on flat areas in the bottom of the unit and three different points on the radii of tht threshold. The ball shall be free of deformation. dents. gouges or other surface defects. Performance requirement. The shower Unit shall not show any cracks or chips in the tinish surface for each of the two series of three impact tests. Inspect for damage alter again inking as described in 3.3.1.
4.4 I.oad on seats.
4.4.1 Seats. The seat’, whether it is an integrally molded part of the unit, or supplied affixed to unit by the manufacturer. shall be tested in accordance with the following test procedures.
* as designated by the manuf..icturer.
4.4.2 Test niethod. A preloaded weight of 300 ±5 lbs. (1335 ±22 N force), shall be applied to the center of the seat on a weight distribution disk 6 inches (152 miii) in diameter covered with a 1/2 inch (13 mm) thick sponge rubber or other suitable material between the disk and the surface to be loaded. Leave the load in place for 2 to 3 minutes to allow settlement of the seat. Ten (10) to fifteen 15) minutes after removing the preload. reapply the 300 lb. (1335 N tirce) load 11r not less than 2 minutes.
4.4.3 Performance requirement. After the test there shall be no cracking in the surface of the seat, or in the event the seat is attached with fasteners or other types of retainers, there shall be no cracks or other sign of failure where the seat is attached or the seat itself.
4.5 I.oads on rim and bottom of bathtubs, and on threshold and bottom of showers.
4.5.1 Bathtub Units shall be tested to Section 4.5.4 and either Section 4.5.2 or 4.5.3. Shower Units shall be tested to Sections 4.5.2 and 4.5.4.
NOTE: Bathtub units which use foam for structural support shall be tested to Section 4.5.3.
4.5.2 Test method for load deflection. A preload weight of 1335 ± 22N (300 ± S lbs.) shall be applied to the center of the bottom of the unit on a weight distribution disk 76.2 mm (3 in.) in diameter covered by a 13 mm (112 in. thickness of sponge rubber or other suitable soft material between the disk and the surface being loaded.

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