ANSI/AHAM AC-1:2006 pdf download

ANSI/AHAM AC-1:2006 pdf download

ANSI/AHAM AC-1:2006 pdf download.Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Method for Measuring Performance of Portable Household Electric Room Air Cleaners.
4.5 Chamber Equipment
The recirculation fan is to be operated throughout all tests in Sections 5, 6, and 7. See
Anncx A for proper positioning of the rccirculation fan.
4.6 Test Equipment Preparation
Check contaminant generating, measuring and recording instruments, and data processing equipment for readiness per manufacturer’s instructions (See Annex C).
Test unit is installed per manufacturer’s instructions, placing the unit (or test fixture containing the unit) in the center of the room, positioned with its air discharge as close as possible to the room center. For test units which discharge air in a specific direction, the air discharge shall not be pointed toward the particle monitors. If manufacturer’s instructions do not specify (and unit is not a floor model), place the air cleaner on the table for test. [Refer to Section 3.1 for positioning of specify types of room air cleaners in the chamber.] Room air cleaners with multi.Icvcl performance fan settings arc typically adjusted to the highest air cleaning mode setting for test. Other performance settings shall be concurrently reported with the applicable CADR values (See Annex C).
To determine the performance on cigarette smoke, perform the test procedures prescribed in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 sequentially during the same day (Annex C, lll.A). An appropriate
cigarette smoke sample diluter (see Annex A) is to be used with the cigarette smoke monitor.
5.1 Natural Decay Nicasu rement
Place the air cleaner to be tested in the chamber in accordance with Section 4.6.2 and set the air cleaner controls to the conditions for test. Test tbr proper operation. then shut ofT with switch external to test chamber.
Operate the ceiling mixing fan and create a log tile for the run.
Using the chamber HEPA filter, allow the test chamber air to clean until the background particulate matter for particles in the size range of 0.1 im to 1.0 im reaches a level of less than 20 particles/cc. Simultaneously operate the environmental control devices until the room conditions (temperature and RI-I) are as specified in Section 4.2.
5.1.4 Procedure
When an acceptable test chamber background level is achieved (as indicated in Section 5.1.3) record the background concentration, turn off the chamber environmental control system (humidifiers. HEPA filter, blowers, supply dampers and return dampers.)
Immediately light, then place one standard cigarette in the cigarette smoke generator, seal generator, open valve to chamber, and turn on 4-6 scth air supply to the cigarette generator to provide the required Initial concentration (24,000 to 35.000 particles/cc as noted in Section 4.4.1).
NOTE: It should take approximately 45 seconds to reach the required initial concentration,
Turn off air supply and close chamber valve.
Mix cigarette smoke for one minute after the initial concentration has been reached, then turn off ceiling mixing fan. The recirculation fan will continue to operate for the duration of the test.
Three minutes after turning off ceiling mixing Ian. begin to acquire the cigarette
smoke particulate concentration. This test point is the initial chamber concentration
(t=0 minutes). If the cigarette smoke concentration is not within the initial limits
(refer to Section 4.4.1), tenninate the run.
Acquire particle concentration data at one-minute intervals 20 minutes. A minimum of nine data points having particle concentrations greater than the lower limit of instrument measurability are required.
Record the average RH and temperature of the chamber during the test period.
Values outside the limits in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 invalidate the run.
Calculate the decay constant for cigarette smoke per Section 8.2.
Determine the acceptability of the run by calculating the standard deviation of the natural decay in accordance with Section 8.3. A standard deviation of less than the 95% confidence limit of 0,002 min’ or 10%. whichever is greater, determines the acceptability of the run.

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