ANSI/AHAM HLW-1:2007 pdf download

ANSI/AHAM HLW-1:2007 pdf download

ANSI/AHAM HLW-1:2007 pdf download.Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Performance Evaluation Procedures for Household Clothes Washers.
a) The pre-wash reflectance as determined by the supplier’s laboratory.
b) The post-wash reflectance, for the maximum reference washer treatment, as defined in Annex A.7. I, Treatment A.
c) The post-wash reflectance, for the reference treatment, as defined in Annex A.7.l Treatment H.
6.5 Preparation.
6.5.1 A minimum of three replications of any given cycle arc to be run using the same load. After every third run, perform a normalization cycle in accordance with 4.4.2.
6.5.2 Select base load items and soil/slain test strips as specified in Table 2 for (he nominal load weight desired, Contirm that base load items are pretreated. bonc dry and conform to the age profile specified in Section 4.2.4.
6.53 Veigh base load items and adjust weight if necessary as described in Section
6.5.4 Put load through a normalization cycle per Table I.
6.5.5 Before preparing the soil/stain strips, record the manufacturer-supplied data on initial reflectance scores and deviation for each lot of soil/stain strips.
6.5.6 Mark each soil/stain strip with a unique identifying reference, using an indelible marking system. The reference mark should be located in one corner of the unsoiled control swatch so as not to affect the mcasurcmcnts to be taken from the strips.
6.5.7 Attach each soiistain strip to a hand towel from the base load. The age of the towel is not important. Use the following procedure to position and secure the strip (see Figure 4): Identify the face of the strip marked with the manufacturer’s reference number. Place the strip on the towel with that face upwards and the unsoiled swatch farthest from the operator. Place the strip on the towel so that the right edge of the strip aligns with the right hand, long edge of the towel and the unsoiled swatch aligns with the upper right corner of the towel. Fasten the strip to the towel by sewing or by non-metallic tags. If tags arc used, apply a minimum of two tags per stain and ensure that the soil/stain strip does not gap from the towel. The result shall be as in Figure 4. Step I.
6.6 Procedure.
6.6.1 Verify that the clothes washer to be tested is correctly connected to water and power supplies and to the drain, and that water temperature measurement equipment is functioning. If necessary. adjust the water supply controls to ensure that the water is being delivered at the correct temperature.
6.6.2 Set the clothes washer controls to the desired test cycle. The water level selection to be used is to be determined by the manufacturer’s recommendation for the load size to be tested, Record cycle information including optional control settings. The full cycle is to be completed unless otherwise stated.
6.6.3 Run a conditioning cycle as specified in Section 4.8.
6.6.4 On completion of the conditioning cycle, add the measured quantity of Standard Test Detergent to the clothes washer. Clean and dry the detergent dispenser to ensure that it is free of water and residual detergent from previous operations. The detergent is then loaded into the dispenser in accordance with the clothes washer manufacturer’s instructions. In a clothes washer without a detergent dispenser the detergent is distributed evenly over the bottom of the drum or tub.
6.6.5 Place the load items in the drum per Section 5. Towels with soil/stain strips attached are to be folded and placed as shown in Figure 4.
6.6.6 Close the door/lid and run the cycle under test to completion. As soon as the door or lid lock releases, carefully remove the load items including the soiL stain strips and separate thc soil/stain strips from the towels. Transfer the base load items to the drying equipment of 6.2(b). Dry in accordance with Section
6.6.7 The soil,stain strips shall be dried using either of the following two methods: Preferred.) Smooth each soil/stain strip by hand. Allow to air dry on a flat surface. Minimize exposure to light to prevent degradation of stains prior to final reflectance measurement.

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