ANSI/AMCA 610:2006 pdf download

ANSI/AMCA 610:2006 pdf download

ANSI/AMCA 610:2006 pdf download.Laboratory Methods of Testing Airflow Measurement Stations
for Performance Rating.
3. Definitions I Units of Measure / Symbols
3.1 Definitions
Definitions are traceable to AMCA International
Standards 99-0066 and 99-0068 as indicated, and otherwise to ANSI/AMCA 210.
3.1.1 Airflow Measurement Station (AMS). A multiple-point sensing device used to measure the airflow in a duct and which consists of a single or multiple arrays of sensors in permanent position across a duct system. (ANSI/AMCA 99-0068.03)
3.1.2 AMS — Differential (velocity) pressure output type Converts air velocity into a differential (velocity) pressure signal that correlates to the velocity or volume of air flowing through a duct. (ANSI/AMCA 99-0068-03)
3.1.3 AMS — Electronic output type. Converts air velocity into an electronic signal that correlates directly and proportionately to the air volume flowing through a duct. (ANSI/AMCA 99-0068-03)
3.1.4 Test reference airflow rate. The calculated airflow rate at measurement plane.
3.1.5 AMS Performance variables: AMS Airflow rate. The airflow rate, based upon the output (pressure, current or voltage of the AMS under test), calculated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. AMS Differential pressure. The observed differential pressure between the high-pressure output and the low-pressure output of a differential pressure type AMS. AMS Electronic output. The observed voltage or current output of an electronic output type AMS that correlates directly and proportionately to the velocity of airflow in a duct.
6.1 General requirements
Where applicable, these requirements shall be met when performing the specific test procedures that follow.
6.1.1 StabilIty of conditions. For the duration of the test, temperature at the AMS under test shall be held within ±3 °C (6 °F).
6.1.2 Test airflow rates. The airflow rate through the test setup shall be varied to approximate the airflow rates at six equally spaced points over the airflow range of interest.
6.2 Data to be recorded
6.2.1 Test subject. The description of the AMS under test, including its physical size, shall be recorded. The nameplate data shall be copied.
6.2.2 Test setup. The description of the test setup shall be recorded by reference to the figure In this standard that served as the configuration for the test.
6.2.3 Instruments The instruments and apparatus required by this standard that are used in the test shall be listed. Names, model numbers, scale ranges and calibration information shall be recorded.
6.2.4 Test data. Test data for each determination shal be recorded. Readings shal be made samultaneousty whenever possible. All tests. For all tests, three readings of dry- bulb temperature (t), ambient wet-bulb temperature (t), and ambient barometric pressure (pb) shall be recorded unless the readings are steady, in which case only one set is required to be recorded. Chamber test. For a chamber test, one reading each of pressure drop (AP), approach dry- bulb temperature (t). and approach static pressure (P15) shall be recorded. See AMCA Standard 210. Ducted nozzle test. One reading each of pressure drop (P), approach dry-bulb temperature ™, and approach static pressure (Pa) shall be recorded. See AMCA Standard 210. Test duct. One reading each of the appropriate inlet or outlet duct dry-bulb temperature (t), and inlet or outlet duct static pressure (Pd) shall be recorded. Low pressure test. For a test where PL. is less than 1000 Pa (4 in. wg), the temperatures may be considered uniform throughout the test setup and only t and t shall be recorded.
6.2.5 AMS output. Record the output data from the AMS under test, be it P,_, EV, or I.
6.3 Airflow resistance test
A test to determine the relationship to the test airflow rate and the resistance to airflow induced by the AMS shall consist of pressure drop determinations taken at each of the specified airflow test rates using the test setup in Figures 1, 4 or 5. The determinations shall be made according to the provisions of AMCA 500-D-98.
7. Calculations
7.1 Calibration correction
A calibration correction, when required, shall be applied to each applicable individual reading before averaging or other calculations, A calibration correction need not be applied if the correction is smaller than one-half the maximum allowable uncertainty as specified in this or other applicable test standard.

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