ANSI/ASSE A10.6:2006 pdf download

ANSI/ASSE A10.6:2006 pdf download

ANSI/ASSE A10.6:2006 pdf download.American National Standard for Construction and Demolition Operations.
3.5 Catch Platform. A temporary structure erected around, attached to and abutting the building being demolished for the purpose of safeguarding and protecting the employees and the public by catching and retaining falling objects or debris.
3.6 Chute. A trough or tube used to guide and transport sliding objects. materials or debris from a higher to a lower revel.
3.7 Competent Person. One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary. hazardous or dangerous to employees and who has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
3.8 Defective. Incapable of reliable, safe operation.
3.9 Demolition. Dismantling, razing, destroying or wrecking any building or structure or any part thereof.
3.10 Demolition Ball. A large steel weight suspended from a crane boom and used to demohsh by impact
3.11 Engineering Survey. An evaluation of the conditions on a project site in preparation for the development of plans and procedures to bring the structure dOwn.
3.12 Equivalent. An alternate design. feature, device or protective action that provides an equal degree of safety.
3.13 Factor of Safety. The ratio of the ultimate (breaking) stress of a member or a piece of material to the actual working stress or to the maximum permissible (safe load) stress when in use.
3.14 Floor Arches. The arch-shaped bracing between steel floor beams or girders. irrespective of the type of floor system.
3.15 Lumber Sizes. The nominal stock sizes of lumber.
3.16 Personal Protective Equipment. Any gloves, shoes, hard hats, clothing. respiratory equipment, glasses. etc.. designed to protect a worker from injury and health hazards.
3.17 Qualified Persons. Those who by possession of a recognized degree, certificate or professional standing or by extensive knowledge, training and experience in the demolition industry have successfully demonstrated their ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter of this standard.
3.18 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement
3.19 Should. Indicates an advisory recommendation
3.20 Sidewalk Shed. A protective structure ‘ocated upon any route used as a pedestrian or vehicular passageway and subjected to debris and falling object hazards as a result of operations being performed.
3.21 Sidewalk Shed Gate. A gate leading from a sidewalk shed into the work area –
3.22 Standard. An established measure, type, model or example. In this document, it refers to an American National Standard or a similarly established recognized and accepted standard.
3.23 Substantial. Strong, stout, solid, firm, meeting not less than the obvious intent of this standard.
3.24 Temporary Walkway. A pedestrian passageway established to route pedestrians around a demolition operation. when their normal route is considered unsafe
4.1Prior to starting demolition opera-tions,a written engineering survey of thestructure shall be made by a qualifiedperson to determine the type and conditionof the framing,floors and walls so thatactions can be taken. if needed,to preventpremature collapse of any portion of thestructure. WWhen indicated as advisable,anyadjacent structure(s) or improvement should
also be similarly checked (see Appendix).Prior to beginning work, all parties involvedshall meet to establish a safe work program.
4.2Allelectric, gas. water. steam,sewer and other service lines shall be shutoff,capped or otherwise controlled,at oroutside the building line or at work arealimits before demolition work is started. In each case,the responsible utility companyor companies shall be notified in advance,and its’approval or services.if necessary,shall be obtained.
4.3lf it is necessary to maintain any
power, water orother utilitiesduringdemolition,such lines shall be temporarilyrelocated as necessary or protected inaccordance with any applicable code, standard or legal requirements.
4.4lf a structure to be demolished has
been damaged by fire,flood,explosion orother cause,appropriate measures shall be taken to protect life and property prior tocommencing the demolition work.
4.5A determination shall be made by a qualified person if any type of hazardous chemicals. ‘qases eyypeof hazardousmaterials, radioactive materials or devices containing radioactive materialls or similarlydangerous substances have been used inthe structure or in any pipes, tanks or other equipment on the ‘property. wWhen thepresence of any such substance is apparent
orsuspected,testing andpurging. asnecessary, shall be performed by qualifiedpersons and the hazard eliminated prior to commencing the demolition work.

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