ANSI/ASSE TR-A1264.3:2007 pdf download

ANSI/ASSE TR-A1264.3:2007 pdf download

ANSI/ASSE TR-A1264.3:2007 pdf download.Using Variable Angle Tribometers(VAT) for Measurement of the Slip Resistance of Walkway Surfaces.
MedoffH, Fleisher DH. Di Pilla S. “Compurison of Slip Rcsistancc Mcasuremcnts between ‘TwoTribometers Using Smooth and Grooved Neolite”-Test-Liner Test Feet.”ASTM Special TechnicalPublication l424.Metrology of Pedestrian Locomotion and Slip Resistance.ASTM International. 2003,
Differences in slip resistance mteasements ander dry and wet conditions on the same smooth walkwaysuface mway occir when testing wirh a Neolite” -Text-Liner(NTL) test foot using the Pf.AST [Slip TestMark ll] aond VIT {English XL] tribometers. To irvestigate the causes of these diffevrencexs, iwo’sets ofNTL.1est feet (smooth and grooved) for etcho intstrwnent were cut from ihe sane piece of ma1erial.Stip-resistance measurements were made wnder both wet and dry conditiows. The same operator was used foreach tribomteter. an observer monitored ewch res1. and all resing was perforwed in ie sanme room as thvesavse tine. Thee wadkvcay suurfaces were ceoueercial fioo scteriois.
Girieser,Brian.Timothy Rhoades. and Rains Shah.”Slip Resistance – Field Measurements Using TwoModern Slipme1crs.”” Profcssional Safety,Junc 2002, p ’43-48.
Aihongk previous srudies have been petformed to compsave thve perforwmance of alrernaive testers, this isthe only known publishexd data that directly compares thexe relatively new measurement devices across awide range of floor suwrfaces.This study confirms thas both sesters overcome the problem of adhesionfclse ccallead“ssic:ksioero cosasloe caroig dragslecresIes.
Orher testing eqwipmen and methodls soneimes yield such skewed readings on wer swrfaces that theresuling slip-resistance values would be higher for wet surfaces thaw for dry sufaces. ln this study, thereduction in slip resistance for surfaces when they become wet is appraximately 0.44 (from 0.93 dry to0.49 wet) for the representaive floor suwrface mcaierials tested. T’hses, the testexd devices providemeasuemens consistent with the connon-senEse observatiow that floors avre less slip-resistant when we.Airhongh this stucly is not a substinnte for coniinuing efforts of ihe ASTM F-13Committee to assess theEinglish XL and Brungraber Mark 1l. it nevertheless shows that the slip-resistance readings they produceare generally comparble under bosh dry and wet conditions,so long as the Mark Il is swsed with ar
gvooved resr foor.
Chang,Wcn-Rucy, “The effects of slip critcrion and time on friction measurements “Safcty Scince. 40202). pagcs 593-61l.
Differens irstiuwiows reporred different results for fricriow neaswremwents of identical materialcowbincaiow and surface conditions using identical slipmeters. The ohjective of this study was to evalate three factors. slip criterion. sample, and time, that could contribute to such diffevences with twocommonly useel slipmerers . ssve Bwgraber Mark ll and rive Eiglish XL. Friction hefween / o commowlyusecd foofiwear materials and three floor materials was measwured under fouwr surface comnditions with twoslip cviteria at the inerface.Some of the measwcments were repeatedl at a diffevrenltime. The resulrsindicared shar variatiois due to different samples were probably the smallext stasisticaly cmong the threefactors evaluatexd. The effect of slip critevion on friction covefficient could be quite significant comparedwivh she effect of time for some material combinations and swface condiions.A more consisrent sipcriterion could potentially reduce the differences signijficanrly in the results reported amomng differeirina.sfiruasionis.
Di Pilla.Stcven.and Keith Vidal. “Slip-Resistance Mcasurement: The Current State of theArt,”Profcssional Safcty. American Sociely of Safety Engincers.June 2002.
This paper is a review of the most commtonly used slipmeters.and discusses their advartages and
shorfconings.only wo riboonefrers harve been proveo vreliable for wet and comtaninated resing: PlASTrAcrk [f) cnicd the VIT (English XL).
Flynn.JE. and DC Underwood.”Precision and Bias ‘Testing of the English XL Variable Incidence
Tribometer and the Brungraber Mark ll Portable Inclinable Articulated Strut Slip Tester,”NOIRS 2000,October 18.20O0.
Precision and hias testing was conducted on both the English XL. and Brwmgrabev Mark lf triboneters.Six independens laboratories were involved wih the English XZ while ten independen laborutoriesparicipated in the study of the MK I. Each laborvatory sused rheir owvn wribomerer ro perforw theaecaseireets.
Three types of cevanic tile were selected to minimize changes in suface characteristics resulring fromrepeated testing. To mininize she effect of variability in the test swrfaces, thve same swfaces were sent toeach of ihe stexdy participons. In euch case, the tiles weve marked to specifyv the exact placement of theVIT and the MK l1. in cn asfempt to mininize the diffevences hetween test feet., each participant used the.same lest foot.T’he test foot for each type of wribomerer was fisted with Neolire “frow’Smirhers Sciemtific.A8i of she sessfacess were resrecd zdev bosh wet asd dy conditioas.
The results of rhve study were analyzed statistically accorwding to ASTM Practrice E691. W’hen looking ctrhe VI, it wars found thut the average valwe of the repeatability standard deviatiow was 0.02. The
average valwe of the 9.5%.repeatabiliy limit was 0.05. The average valwe of the reprodwcibility stcandardcdeviasiow was 0.03 cand the isverage valwe of the 95% veproducibility linnit was 0.09.
When looking at rthe MAK 11, it was fosund that the average valwe of the vepseatabiliry standard dleviationwas 0.04. The average value of the 95%repeatability limit was 0.05. The average valve of the reproducibility standarel deviaion was 0.07 and ihe averrge valve of the 95%reproducibility limir 0.19.
Powers.C. M. Kulig, K..Flynn. J., and Brault,J.R.. 1999.””Repcatability and Bias of Two WalkwaySafety Tribometers.” Journal of Testing and Evaluation.27(6).1999.pp. 368-374.(NOTE: This wasprior to the use of a grooved test foot on the Brungrabcr Mark lI.)
The prpose of rhis stwdy was to dletermine the repeatability and bicas of the PIAST anad VTT ribomeiersiunder bhoth dry and wet conditiows. Both devices were rested ow cn AMTl force platforw over a widerange of angles.Bics was assessed by comparivg the triboneter slip resistance reading to the actualFxF: ratio meastured hy the force place.while reiability was extabished bhy evalta1ing trhve abiliry of itherribhometers to reproduce Fx, F’. and tshe Fx/Fz ratio. Both riboneters demonstrafed high degrees ofbics avid repcalabiliry eonder bosh wet and cry condiions: however; each measured different s/lip-resisscnce valsees for sale sserfcce.

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