ANSI C63.17:2006 pdf download

ANSI C63.17:2006 pdf download

ANSI C63.17:2006 pdf download.Methods of Measurement of the Electromagnetic and Operational Compatibility of Unlicensed Personal Communications Services (UPCS) Devices.
These controlled RF paths may be realized either as “radiater (through space) or “conducted” (over coaxial cable) paths. In the radiated case, the tests must be pertinncd in a facility with controlled RF propagation characteristics, so that the path loss can be controlled by varying separation between transcclvcr and moiutonng’sourcc antcnnas In thc conducted case, the tests can be pcrt’ormcd anywhere there is adequate shielding to prevent external interference from affecting the test results. Signals can be combined and distributed using passive networks (e.g.. hybrids. RE attenuators. Butler matrices. directional couplets). Path loss can be controlled with RE attenuators,
This clause provides guidance on impleineitlation of the conducted and radiated measurements of transmit power and monitoring threshold. Supporting derivations arc given in Annex B.
Conducted tests are preferred to radiated tests, and should be used for tests not affected by antenna selectivity if thc EUT antenna can be dctachcd for testing purposo. If the EUT antenna or antennas arc replaced by a direct connection, the connection should be made in an inipedance’,nawhed fashion so that matching losses rcbtive to the antenna connection are less than 2 dB.
4.1 Test facilities and equipment
Tests should be perfonned at the manufacture?s recommended normal operating temperature and voltage.’ Unless stated otherwise, the requirements of ANSI (.‘63.4-2(X)3 apply to the test facilities, including the site design, dimensions, and validation Additional site validation requirements above I GHi are currently under development. Portions ot’ this standard place requirements on the test facilitics, in addition to the general requircmcnt.s of ANSI C63.4.2003.
When shielding facilities (shiclded room. scmi-anechoic chamber or ancchoic chamber) are used for operational compatibility testing, the shielding effectiveness of the room shall be such as to ensure compliance with electromagnetic emission limits for the environment outside of thc room and reduce the ambients penetrating into the room to levels at least 10 dB below the weakest measured signal.
When the test environment is simulated, the reflections from the facility confines, as well as the reflections from any extraneous objects at the test site, must be reduced to levels at least 10 dB below the direct (frccspacc) signal.’
The diagram in Figure I lists the types of test facilities that may be used for measurements specified in this stand,ird
In all cases, the test facilities and equipment must be fit for the purpose of measuring th parameters and operations of the ELJT according to the requirements of 47CFR 15, and in accordance with good engineering practice.
The equivalent cowrage test for the transmitting and monitoring antc’nna is then performed ija lollows:
at Sd up the reference antenna with vertical polarization and with its major lobe facing the EUT at a distance r (mceung the far-field conditional from the EUT transmit antenna in the direction of the EUTs maximum radiation.
b) Apply power to the reference antenna terminals and adjust it to the level P1.
ct Move the refercncc antcnna (without changing its orientation) in the direction of the EUT’s ma.ximum radiation to a distance r + s from the monitonng antenna, where s is the maximum possihlc disancc between the transmit and mOnitoring antennas. as specified by thc EUT manufacturer.
d) Align the EUT monitoring antenna such that the direction of its minimum sensitivity faces the reference antenna.
e) Apply power P.,1 to the reference antenna and illuminate the EUT monitoring antenna.
f) Rcpeat step c) with the reference antenna horizontally polarized.
The ILJT shall defer with one or the other of two orthogonal polarizations of the reference antenna, or the EUT fails the equivalent coverage test.
4.8 Radiated measurements of products with identical collocated transmitting and monitoring antennas
Set up the EUT and reference antenna with Its major lobe facing the EUT in the far field with separation r in meters, Initiate FIJT tr-an%mflission and find the direction of the EUTs maximum radiation, Measure the EUT EIRP EIRP,11 IdhlmI can he calculated fram the measured radiated held intensity in the direction of maximum radiation Ei:t T… using thc following equation.

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