ANSI C80.5:2005 pdf download

ANSI C80.5:2005 pdf download

ANSI C80.5:2005 pdf download.American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Aluminum Conduit (ERAC).
4 Units of Measurements
The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The metric dimensions are exact conversions for safely considerations.
5 General Requirements
5.1 Circular cross section
Electrical ngid aluminum conduit shall have a circular cross section suftlcientty accurate to permit the cutting of threads in accordance with Table 1.
5.2 Wall thickness
The wall thickness shall be uniform throughout.
5.3 Interior surface
The interior surface shall be free from injurious defects.
5.4 Alloy
The conduit shall be made of an aluminum alloy containing not more than 0.40% copper
6 DetaIled Requirements
6.1 ThreadIng and chamfering
Each length of conduit, nipple and elbow shall be threaded on both ends, and each end shall be chamfered or otherwise treated to remove burrs and sharp edges Threads shall comply with the requirements of 6.4.
6.2 IdentifIcation
Each length of oondull. nipple, and elbow shall be identified in accordance with 9.
6.3 DImensions
The dimensions and weights of ERAC shall be In accordance with Table 2.
6.4 Threads
The number of threads per inch (threads per 25.4 mm), and the length of the threaded portion at each end of each length of conduit, nipple and elbow shall be as indicated in Table 1, and shall conform to American National Standard for Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch), ANSL1ASME B1.20.1. The perfect thread shall be tapered for its entire length, and the taper shall be 1 in 16.
6.5 Couplings
Couplings shall comply with the following requirements:
6.5.1 The coupling shall be made of an aluminum alloy containing not more than 0.40% copper.
6.5.2 Couplings shall be so made that all threads on the conduit will be covered when the coupling is made up ‘wrench tight on conduit threads that meet the requirements of 64.
6.5.3 Both ends of the couplings shall be chamfered to prevent damage to the starting thread.
6.5.4 The outside diameter and length of couplings shall be as indicated in Table 3.
6.5.5 Couplings shall be straight tapped.
6.6 Elbows and nipples
Conduit elbows and nipples shall be made of the same grade of aluminum as that en1oyed in straight lengths of electrical rigid aluminum conduit, and shall be threaded and marked for identification according to the applicable requirements for electrical rigid aluminum conduit. The dimensions of 90-degree elbows and the weights of nipples shall be as indicated in Table 4.
7 Ductility Test
Conduit shall be capable of being bent, at ambient temperature, ) degrees around a mandrel, the radius of which is shown in Table 4, without developing cracks.
8 Examination of Product
8.1 Place of Inspection
All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere with normal manufacturing processes.
82 Visual inspection
Each length of conduit shall be examined visually both on the exterior and interior surfaces to detecn,ine if the product is free from slivers, burrs, or other similar injurious defects
8.3 Retests
It any samples of ERAC tested as prescribed in this specification fails, two additional samples shall be tested, both of which shall comply with the requirements of this speQfication.
9 Marking
9.1 Product marking
Each length of conduit, nipple, and elbow shall be identified to describe the product and include the manufacturer’s name or trademark or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product can be identified.
9.1.1 Each length of conduit, &bow. and nipple shall be marked “Rigid Aluminum Conduif, along with the manufacturer’s name, trade name, or trademark or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product can be identified. A traceable code can be used to identify the manufacturer when a private labeler uses it’s own brand or trademark on the produci When a product is produced in more than one factory, each finished length of conduit, elbow, and nipple shall bear a distinctive marking by which it can be Identified as the product of a parbcutar factory. This marking may be in code.
9.1.2 Each finished length of conduit or elbow shall be legibly and durably marked “Consult manufacturer for proper lnstallation or equivalent wording.
9.2 Nipples
For nipples with less than 2 inctes (50.8 mm) of unthreaded length, the marking required in 9.1 is permitted to be applied to the smallest unit shipping carton.

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