ANSI/CTA-931-C:2007 pdf download

ANSI/CTA-931-C:2007 pdf download

ANSI/CTA-931-C:2007 pdf download.Remote Control Command Pass- through Standard for Home Networking.
3.1 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference In this text, constitute normative provisions of the appropriate sections of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying for the most recent editions of the standards listed in Section 3.1.1.
3.1.1 Normative Reference List
1. AVIC Digital Interface Command Set General SpeciFication. Version 4.1. TA Document
2002012, 1394 Trade Association, December 11, 2001.
2. IEEE 1394 Bridged over Coaxial Cable — Part 3: FCP and CMP over IPv4, TA Document
2006021, Revision dO.5, 1394 Trade Association. March 19, 2007.
3. AV/C Panel Subunit Specification 1.23, TA Document 2007001, 1 394Trade Association, January 2007.
4. RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protoco’ — HTTP 1.1 The Internet Society, June 1999.
5 RFC 2396, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, The Internet Society,
August 1998.
3.1.2 Normative Reference Acquisition
1394 Trade Association Documents
• Contact the 1394 Trade Association. 1111 South Main Street, Suite 100, Grapevine, TX, USA:
Phone: 817-410-5750; Fax: 817-410-5752; Internet: hllDllwww. 1 394ta.oio. RFC Documents
• Contact the World Wide Web Consortia (W3C), 32 Vassar Street, Room 32-G515, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA: Phone: 617-253-2613; Fax: 617.258.5999: Internet
• Contact the Internet Society (ISOC), 1775 Wiehle Ave.. Suite 102. Reston, VA 20190 USA; Phone: 703-326-9880; Fax: 703-326-9881; Internet: www,isocisoc.prp.
3.2 In formative References
3.2.1 Informative Reference List
6. CEA-775-A, DTV 1394 Interface Specification. April 2000.
7. CEA.775.1, Web-Enhanced OW 1394 Interface Specification, March2000.
8. ECMAScnpt Language Specification. Standard ECMA-262, 3” Edition, December 1999.
9. CEA-2027-B. A User Intedace Specification for Home Networks Using Web-Based Protocols, July 2007.
Target devices shall implement the Panel Subunit, Indirect Mode, defined and described in Sections 4.3 and 4.5 of AV/C Panel Subunit Specification [3]. A target device may return a response of “NOT IMPLEMENTED” to the GUI UPDATE status command. Target devices shall respond with IMPLEMENTED” to the GENERAL INQUIRY command for PASS-THROUGH command.
Target devices shall implement the PASS-THROUGH control command specified in Section 9 (introduction) and Section 9.4 of AVIC Panel Subunit Specification [3J.
Target devices should respond to PASS-THROUGH control commands with operation_id values corresponding to user operations or deterministic functions applicable to that device. If a given operation_id value corresponds to an operation or function that is not applicable to the device, that device should respond to the PASS-THROUGH control command with a NOT IMPLEMENTED response.
Target devices shall implement the POWER control command defined in Section 11.1 of 11), arid shall support both the Control and Status forms of that command.
4.1.3 Controller Devices
Controller devices shall use the AV/C Panel Subunit PASS-THROUGH control command.
Controllers may verify that a particular target device supports this specification by:
1. issuing a SUBUNIT INFO AV/C command in accordance with Section 11.3 of [1];
2. verifying the Presence of a Panel Subunit (subunit type value 0916) in the response:
3. issuing a GENERAL INQUIRY command for PASS-THROUGH command:
4. verifying the response is “IMPLEMENTED.”
Implementation guidelines for controllers described in Section 9.4.7 of [3J should be followed.
4.1.4 Manufacturer-specific commands
One form of the PASS.THROUGH command provides a mechanism whereby a manufacturer may deliver nonstandard data related to the remote control key function. The format of the Vendor Unique PASS-THROUGH command includes a 24-bit Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) code so that any given target device can ensure that the manufacturer-specific bytes contained in the command are understood and supported before processing them. The AV/C specification calls the OUI field company ID. The syntax and semantics of bytes following the company ID are defined in whatever way the given manufacturer wishes.
A target device shall disregard a Vendor Unique PASSTHROUGH command containing an unrecognized value for company ID, The Vendor Unique PASS-THROUGH command shall not be used to convey RCU key commands that can be represented by one of the standard values for operation Id listed in this standard4.
4.2 Pass-through Commands br Devices Supporting HTTP
The requirements in this section apply normatively to audiavideo devices supporting the HTTP
method of remote control pass-through. Such compliant devices shall support HTTP version 1.1
(as defined in RFC 2616 (4)).

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