ANSI E1.9:2007 pdf download

ANSI E1.9:2007 pdf download

ANSI E1.9:2007 pdf download.Entertainment Services and Technology Association.
2.9 so-Illuminance diagram: A series of iso-dluminance lines for various illuminance values plotted on a common graph.
2.10 Iso-lIluminance line: A line plotted on a set of coordinates to show all the points on an illuminated surface where illuminance is the same.
2.11 light The light emitted from the exit aperture of a luminsire.
2.12 umlnaire efficacy: The ratio of a kiminaire’s total lumen output divided by the power consumed, expressed In terms of umens per watts
2.13 luminaine: A complete lighting unit, consisting of a lamp or lamps, together with all the parts that are needed to position and protect the lamp or lamps, distilbute the light, and corwiect the lamp or lamps to the power supply.
2.14 Iuminaire: A luminaire whose intended operating distance from the subject is shorter than the minimum distance at wtWch the inverse-square law can be used to predict an illumination level.
2.15 one-tenth-peak Illuminance angle: The angle on a plane perpendicular to an illuminated surface with the center of a luminaims exit aperture at the apex, and the rays of th. angle passing through the iso-illuminance line where the illumination is 10% of the maxrnum luminance. The plane is defined by the center of the luminaire’s exit aperture and a line on the Illuminated surface passing through the center of the illuminated area.
3.1 General requirements
3.1.1 Organization responsible for the product
The manufacturer’s name, trademark, or other descnptive marking identifying the name of the organization that is responsible for the product shall be provided.
3.1.2 Catalog number, model number, or name of luminaire
The catalog number, model number, name, or other unambiguous identifier for the luminaire shall be noted.
3.1.3 Lamp used for gathering photometric data
The lamp or lamps used to gather the reported performance data shall be specified in an unambiguous manner. The lamp manufacturer’s rated wattage, life, color temperature, voltage and lumens (if available) shall be included. If the luminaire is designed to use the lamp in any way that will raise the output, such as operation at a higher than rated voltage or at a higher than normal ambient temperature, such Information shall be noted in boldface. In such cases, the nominal lumen output of the lamp as tested shall be reported.
3.1.4 Ballast factor
Where applicable, reported data shall be normalized to a ballast factor of one.
3.1.5 Photometric procedure
A brief statement shall be povided to descnbe how the data was gathered. If any nationally or Internationally recognized standard or recommended practice for measuring luminaire performance was used, it shall be cited. The date and laboratory where the tests were performed shall be noted.
3.1.6 Lumen output
The total lumen output, shall be reported and labeled Total Lumen Output. The half-peak lumens shall be reported and labeled HaIf-Peak Lumens. The one-tenth-peak lumens shall be reported and labeled One-Tenth-Peak Lumens.
3.1.7 Marking of conformance with this standard
Luminaire performance data sheets that conform to this standard shall be marked Data sheet conforms to American National Standard El .9 -X)O(X with XXXX being replaced by the year of the edition of the El .9 standard used.
3.2 Requirements for Hiuminance distribution diagrams
3.2.1 General diagram requirements
Iso-illuminance diagrams plotted on Cartesian coordinate graphs shall be provided. The origin of the graph shall be located at the point of the illuminated area closest to the center of the exit aperture of the luminaire and with the plane of that graph perpendicular to the line from the origin to the center of the exit aperture. All quadrants shall be shown. The iso-illuminance lines labeled in percentages shall be drawn in 10% increments from 100% to 10%, with the highest illumination level taken as 100%. In addition, the iso-illuminance line or lines showing the 3% illumination level shall be shown. All the required iso-illuminance lines shall be shown and labeled, even if the lines coindde. Distanc es from the origin shall be linear and continuous, and be marked in units that are decimal fractions of the throw distance at which the iso-illuminance data was measured. The X and V axis showing units from the origin shall be labeled ‘Throw Distance Multiplier.’

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