ANSI/HIBC 2.2:2006 pdf download

ANSI/HIBC 2.2:2006 pdf download

2.2.3 Secondary Data Structure In Electronic Data Interchange
For irormation about conininicabig Secony Data m Electron.c Data Interchange, refer to the H 18CC Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Gedeliies When using the HIBC data formats in Electronic Data Interchange, the Check Digit not transmitted or stored in the database. See Appendix B.2.1.
3.0 Label Symbologles
3.1 Primary Data Symbologies
Depending on which organzation maintains the labeler identifier assignment, it is possible for a Pnmary Label to be encoded In one of two possible bar code symbologies
3.1.1 HIBC UC Primary Data Symbologles – Code 128 or Code 39
If the HlBC LIC Pflmary Data Structure is used, the data should be encoded in either Code 128 or Code 39 synibology. Further information on these symbologies is available httoi’www,aj,siorp and httoww iso,orp If Code 128 is used, do not include the Function 1 character (FNC1).
If Cocfe 39 ‘e wide to nanw ratio should be 3:1, the inter-character gap should be equal to the nominal narrow elerner* dimension (X-&nerisiori) and the Mod 43 syn’ibology Check Digit is used. The data structure and human- readable inteqxetalion is identical regardless of symbology used.
Nospecalcharaclers(.,.,$,/,+,%.andspace)areusedotherthantheuseoftheftagcharacters,+andl.inthe beginning of the HIBC LIC symbols. Note that the generated Check Digit may, however, be one of these special characters.
3.1.2 The GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GuN) Primery Da Symbologies: EANUCC128 or kitesleeved 2 of 5
GN Pthiay Data mencoded using the GS1-l2ssyrrtology. GS1 -128 uses Code 128 with a Funcin 1 character (FNC1 I fc*rwirig the start character and before Al (01). The human-readable interpretation utdizes the Al (01) with the 14-digit code and includes parenthesis around the appcation identifiers (Al’s) that are to assist key-entry where a bar code fails to scan. The parenthesis Is never encoded in the bar code syritol itaelf. The GTIN can also be encoded m RSS or Data Matrix Symbology. Refer to the General GS1 Specilications for further miorrnatn,
The GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) Primary Data may also be encoded in Interleaved 2-of-5 symbology when pnnted on hher level corrugated packaging. The data is the GSI Global Trade hem Number (GTIN) and is descflbed in General GS1 Specifications.
3.1.3 HIBC Primary Data Symbology for Small Packages using a 1-0 barcode – Code 128
Every effort should be made to use either the HIBC UC standard or the GTI N primary format. The HIBC LIC structure printed with Code 128 and using a short numeric Product or Catalog Number can be quite small. Any labeler having difficulty fitting the standard primary symbol on packaging should contact HIBCC for assistance. In situations where there are scanner or organizational constraints to the use of 2D symbologies (see section 3.1.4). it is permissible to use a simple Code 128 structure as outlined below,
On email packages where every dimension is less than 40mm (1.57 inches). it is permissible to encode a GTIN as a
12-digit number, without the packaging indicator and check digit. (UCCEAN code excluding the first and last git).
This data shall be encoded in Code 128, not In UCC/EAN-128 and not in U.P.C.
On very small packages where every dimension is less than 31mm (1.22 inches) and, if the item has a FDA assigned number, It Is permissible to encode only the 10-digit FDA number In Code 128. The Small Package Symbol does not allow for differentiation of different levels of packaging. The Packaging Indicator is defined to be zero.
All 14 digits must be included in the human-readable interpretation regardless of which small format is used, (That is the same 14 digits that would be encoded following the (01) if the full GTIN symbol could have fit on the package.) For instance, if the 12-digit symbol is used, the assigned unit-of-use packaging Indicator is 0, arid it should be the first human-readable character, followed by the 12 digits encoded in the symbol and then the Link Character.

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