ANSI/HPS N43.5:2005 pdf download

ANSI/HPS N43.5:2005 pdf download

ANSI/HPS N43.5:2005 pdf download.Radiological Safety Standard for the Design of Radiographic and Radioscopic Non-Medical X-Ray Equipment Below 1 MeV.
Real-time radioscopy: Radioscopy that is capable of following the motion of the object without limitation of tame.
Scatter radiation: Radiation that has been deviated In direction as a result of me interaction of the photons with matter and has usually been reduced in energy,
Shall: Where shalr is used for a provision in this standard, that provision is intended to be a requirement if the purpose and intent of this standard are to be achieved.
Shielded x-ray tube assembly: An x-ray tube assembly designed to meet the requirements of paragraph 811 of this standard.
Should: Where should Is used for a provision In this standard, that provision is not required but is recommended as good practice.
Shutter: A movable device used to block the useful (or primary) beam emitted from an x-ray tube assembly
Stray radiation: Radiation other than the useful (or primary) beam. It indudes leakage and scatter radiation.
Supplier: The person or organization from which the user buys or takes delivery of a product.
Timer: A time-measuring device designed to automatically make or break electrical connections at the end of a preset time interval.
User: That person or organization that will have administrative control over the equipment.
Useful beam: All the pnmary radiation from a x-ray tube assembly that emerges through open shutter(s), collimator, diaphragm, or cone.
X-ray tube assembly: A tube housing with the tube installed, It may include high voltage and filament transformers and other appropriate elements when they are contained within the tube housing
3. InstructIons
Written instructions for the installation, assembly. interconnection, adjustment, and test of each xray unit or accessory shall be supplied by the manufacturer or supplier of such equipment at the lime of sale or transfer to the first user if the manufacturer or supplier is not providing the services for the user.
3.1 Installation InstructIons
3,1.1 Installation instructions shall describe radiation safety considerations pertaining to positioning and fastening each unit or accessory in place.
3.1.2 Assembly instructions shall include instructions for assembly operations not performed by the manufacturer.
3.1.3 Interconnection instructions shall include at least the descriptions of cable and wire connections not performed by the manufacturer. Examples Include interconnection of radiation safety interlock systems, warning light systems, and audible alarm systems not supplied by the manufacturer.
3.1.4 Test instructions shall include a description of the steps necessary for the user to determine that the x-ray system and accessory components are operating properly. Test instructions shall also include descriptions of the steps necessary for the user to evaluate the interlod systems, warning lights, and other radiation safety devices. Prior to routine operation, a qualified expert shall perform a radiological survey of the installation. (See Annex.)
3.1.5 Instructions shall state that when any component affecting the radiation safety of the xray system is serviced or replaced a qualified expert shall perform a radiological survey of the installation to ensure continuity of adequate personnel radiation safety.
3.1.6 InstructIons shall include a warning of radiation hazards caused by the improper installation arid use of the x-ray equipment.
3.1.7 Instructions shall state the classification of the x-ray tube assembly. (See paragraph 8.1.)
3.1.8 Written instructions shall state that both the supplier and the user should acknowledge in writing the final acceptance.
3.1.9 The person who installs the x-ray equipment should acknowledge in writing to the supplier/manufacturer that the installation has been performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
3.1.10 The user should acknowledge in writing to the supplier/manufacturer that the interlock system, warning lights, and other radiation safety devices were all operating properly alter installation.
3.2 OperatIon InstructIons
The manufacturer or supplier of the equipment at the time of sale and/or transfer to the first user shall supply written instructions for the operation of the x-ray unit or accessory equipment. These instructions shall:
3.2.1 Direct the user to consult governmental reguLations and industry standards governing the operation of x-ray equipment.
3.2.2 Inform the user of the need for proper operational and radiation safety training and supervision in the use of x-ray equipment.
3.2.3 Describe personnel do&metry and survey devices suitable for measurements associated with the use of the equipment and accessories. Such instructions shall include the characteristics of the radiation to be measured and may include reference to specific commercially available instruments.

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