ANSI/HPS N43.7:2007 pdf download

ANSI/HPS N43.7:2007 pdf download

ANSI/HPS N43.7:2007 pdf download.Safe Design and Use of Self-Contained, Dry Source Storage Irradiators (Category I).
Restricted area: that region around the irradiator to which human access is controlled for radiation safety purposes
Safety interlock: a fail-safe device for precluding exposure of an Individual to radiation or other hazards
Safety-related service: any service work that could affect the radiation safety of an irradiator, such as bypassing of the radiation safety interlocks; modification to the shielding that could resuit In radiation levels In excess of those specified in Section 5 of this standard; or source loading, replenishment, removal, and redistribution.
Sample loadlunload mode: status of an irradiator during Which the samples are added to or removed from the sample volume.
Sealed source: radioactive source sealed in a capsule or having a bonded cover, the capsule or cover being strong enough to prevent contact with and dispersion of radioactive material under the conditions of use and wear for which it was designed.
Self’contalned dry source storage irradiator:
an irradiator in which the sealed source(s) is completely contained in a dry container constructed of solid materials, the sealed source(s) Is shielded at all times, and human access to the sealed source(s) and the volume(s) undergoing Irradiation is not physically possible in its design configuration.
Shall: indicates a recommendation that is necessary to meet the standards of protection of this document.
Should: indicates an advisory recommendation that is to be applied when practicable.
Source: see Sealed source.
Source holder: that component of the irradiator into which the source is positioned, including any retaining screws, pins, dips, etc.
Source transport container: Container specifically designed and licensed by the pertinent regulatory or controlling authority to transport sealed sources.
Storage mode: status of an irradiator during which the sample volume or material is not being irradiated.
Transient mode: status of an irradiator during which the sample volume or source Is In transition between the storage and the irradiate mode.
Unrestricted area: any region to which human access is not controlled for radiation safety purposes.
3.0 General Considerations
3.1 Health Warning
The nature, severity, and duration of the effects of radiation exposure depend, among other factors, on the dose and type of radiation, rate 04 exposure, portion of (tie body exposed, and individual sensitivity
In irradiators, ozone is produced by radiolysis.
Although this gas may be harmful to health, the
exposure levels are not typically significant with
Category I irradtators.
3.2 Radiation Protection Criteria
Recommendations for limits on individual equivalent dose from ionizing radiation are established by national and international authorities such as the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) (1) and the International Commss4on on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 12J. Operational limits for irradiators should follow the recommendations set forth in the c*jrrent reports of the NCRP and the ICRP. These recommendations are expressed in temis of a maximum equivalent dose, either as effective dose or the equivalent dose to portions of the body. Regulations pertaining to dose limits have been prormigated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [31, the U.S. Department of Energy (4). or state regulatory or controlling authorities.
Personnel doses resulting from irradiator operations shall be maintained as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). Maximum allowable personnel doses from irradiator operations shall follow the applicable requirements of Title 10. Code of Federal Regulations.

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