ANSI/INCITS TR-42:2007 pdf download

ANSI/INCITS TR-42:2007 pdf download

ANSI/INCITS TR-42:2007 pdf download.INCITS Technical Report for Information Technology一 Fibre Channel – Avionics Environment – Upper Layer Protocol.
3.2.4 Exchange
The basic mechanEsm which transfers information consisting of one or more related non-concurrent
Sequences which may flow in the same or opposite direchons.
3.2.5 Ffrst.MlddIeLast (FML)
Provides an indication of Sequence position within Exchange, where F = first, M = middle, and L last.
3.2.6 Frame
The information contained in a frame between Its Start-of-Frame and End-of-Frame delimiters, excluding the delimiters.
32.7 InformatIon Category
A frame header field indicating the category to which the frame payload belongs (e.g.. Solicited Data.
Unsolicited Data, Solicited Control and Unsolicited Control).
3.2.8 Network Controller (NC)
A Fibre Channel Node that transmits FC-AE-1 553 Command Sequences (akin to a Bus Controller or BC in MIL-STD-1553).
3.2.9 Network Terminal (NT)
A Fibre Channel Node that responds to commands issued by me Network Controller (NC) using FC-AE1553 protocol (akin to a Remote Terminal or RT In MIL-STD-15531.
3.2.10 Sequence
A set of one or more Data frames with a common Sequence ID ISEO ID). transmitted unidirectlonally from one N_Port to another N_Po1 wilt, a corresponding response, if applicable, transmitted in response to each Data frame.
3.2.11 Sequence Initiative
Within an Exchange, a Sequence Initiator may either hold Sequence Initiative by transmitting the next
Sequence in the Exchange, or transfer Sequence Initiative to the current Sequence recipient. In the latter
case, the consecutive sequence recipient shall transmit the next Sequence in the Exchange.
Abbreviations include: SI Sequence Initiative, H = hold, and T • transfer, The Sequence Initiative is bit
16 in the Exchange’Sequence Control (F_CTL) field of the Fibre Channel header.
3.2.12 Status Sequence
An FC-AE-1 553 Fibre Channel Sequence that in most cases is the first Sequence transmitted by an FCAE-1 553 NT, Status Sequences shall have the Information Category bits in the R_C1l field set to 0111 ‘b.
Some Status Sequences provide an indication of the maximum number of data bytes mat the NT is able
to receive in the next Data Sequence.
NOTE 3: Some protiles may require that all Status Sequences be transmitted as sangle-frame Sequences
3.3 Editorial Conventions
3.3.1 IntroductIon
In this document, a number of conditions, mechanisms. Sequences, parameters, events. states, or similar terms that do not have their normal English meaning are printed with the lollowing conventions:
• The first letter of each word in uppercase and the rest lowercase (e.g., Exchange. Class. etc.).
• A term consisting of multiple words, with the first letter of each word in uppercase and the rest lowercase, and each word separated from the other by an underscore Li character. A wOrd may consist of an acronym or abbreviation, which would be printed in uppercase. (e.g. NL Port, Transfer_Length. etc.).
All terms and words not conforming to the conventions noted above have the normal technical English meanings.
Nun-tered items in this Technical Report do not represent any priority. Any priority is explicitly indicated.
In all of the figures, tables, and text of this standard, the most significant bit of a binary quantity is shown on the left side. Exceptions to this convention are indicated in the appropriate sections.
The term “shalr Is used to indicate a mandatory rule. If such a rule is not followed, the results are un predictable unless indicated otherwise.
The fields or control bits that are not applicable shall be set as required by the appropriate technical report.
If a field or a control bit is specified as not meaningful, the recipient shall not check that field or control bit. The Sequence Initiator shall set all such fields or control bits to zero.
In several tables wlthm this document, there is a column on the right side of the table Labeled Notes. These notes are NORMATIVE and shall be considered requirements of this document.
In the event of conflict between the text, tables, and figures in this document, the following precedence shall be used: tables (highest), text and figures (lowest).
3.3.2 Binary notation
Binary notation may be used to represent some fields. Single bit fields are represented using the binary values 0 and 1, For multiple bit fields, the binary value is enclosed Mi single quotation mar1s followed by the letter b. For example, a four-byte field containing a binary value may be represented as ‘00000000
11111111 10011000 11111010’b.
3.3.3 HexadecImal notation
Hexadecimal notation may be used to represent some fields. When this is done, the value is enclosed in single quotation marks and preceded by the word hex. For example, a four-byte field containing a binary value of ‘0000000011111111 10011000 11 111010’b is shown in hexadecimal format as hex ‘00FF 98 FA’.

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