ANSI N42.33:2006 pdf download

ANSI N42.33:2006 pdf download

ANSI N42.33:2006 pdf download.Portable Radiation Detection Instrumentation for Homeland Security.
3.39 response: Ratio of the instrument reading to the con’ entionally true value of the measured quantity.
3.40 response time: Thc time interval required for the instrument reading to change from 10% to 90% of the final reading or vice versa, following a step change in the radiation field at the detector.
3.41 restricted mode: An advanced operating mode that can be accessed by an expert user (e.g.. via password) to control the parameters that can atTec the result of a measurement (e.g.. radionuclide library. routine function control, calibration parameters. alarm thresholds).
NOTE—May be called the “advanced” or “expert” mode.
3.42 routine test: Test that applies to each independent instrument to ascertain compliance with specified criteria.
3.43 standard deviation: The positive square root of the variance.
3.44 standard instrument or source: (A) National standard—a standard determined by a nationally recognized competent authority to serve as the basis for assigning values to other standards of the quantity concerned. In the U.S.. this is an instrument, source, or other system or device maintained and promulgated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (H) Primary standard—a standard that is designated or widely acknowledged as having the highest metrological qualities and whose value is accepted without reference to other standards of the same quantity. (C) Sccondaiy standard—a standard whose value is assigned by comparison with a primary standard of the same quantity. (D) Reference standard a standard, generally having the highest metrological quality available at a given location or in a given organization, from which measurements made there are derived. (E) Working standard—a standard that is used routinely to calibrate or check material measures, measuring instruments, or reference materials. A working standard is traceable to NIST (see ANSI N42.22 and ANSI N42.23).
3.45 standard test condUions: The range of values of a set of influence quantities under which a calibration or a measurement of response is carried out.
3.46 test: A procedure whereby the instrument, circuit, or component is evaluated.
3,47 type test: Initial test of two or more production instruments made to a specific design to show that the design meets defined specifications.
3.48 uncertainty: The estimated bounds of the deviation from the conventionally true value, generally expressed as a percent of the mean. ordinarily taken as the square root of the sum of the square of two
For those tests intended to determine the effects of variations in thc influence quantities, all other influence quantities should be maintained within the limits for standard test conditions given in Table I, unless otherwise specified in the test procedure concerned.
All test results shall be documented.
4.2 Units and uncertainties
For the purposes of this standard, the radiological units of exposure rate (R/h) shall be used for x-ray and gamma-ray radiation. Exposure rate can be converted to air-kerma rate by using the following conversion factor: I Rib = 876 niradh (8.76 mGy/h).
For x-rays and gamma-rays the factor to convert from absorbed dose-to-tissue grad) to dose equivalent (rem) is equal to I. Therefore, in conventional units I rad = I rem and in SI Units I (iy = I Sv. Conversion coefficients can be used to convert from air-kerma to dose equivalent. The conversion coefficients are tabulated as a function of photon energy in ISO1EC 4037-3.
Throughout the text, radiological quantities will be expressed in conventional units; SI units arc given in parentheses.
If uncertainties are not specified tr a measurable quantity, they are set to ±5%.
4.3 Special word usage
The following word usage applies:
— The word “shall” signifies a mandatory requirement (where appropriate a qualifying statement is included to indicate that there may be an allowable exception).
— The word “may” signifies an acceptable method or an example of good practice.
— The word “should” signifies a recommended specification or method.
5. General requirements
5.1 Documentation check
5.1.1 Requirement
Manufacturers shall provide insructions to verily proper operation of the instrument.
5.1.2 Test method
The manufacturer-provided documentation shall be reviewed per Clause 10 to ensure compliance with the requirement.

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