ANSI N42.34:2006 pdf download

ANSI N42.34:2006 pdf download

ANSI N42.34:2006 pdf download.Performance Criteria for Hand-Held Instruments for the Detection and ldentification of Radionuclides.
5.2 Test preparation
NOTE— SteP 5.2.1 thmugh step 517 shall be used whmi preparing to do ale’il based on this ssandaid. 5.2.1 Manufacturer, model, and serial number
Record the manufacturer’s name along with the model, serial number, and Iirmware number of the instrument and detector. if separate.
5.2.2 Documentation supplied
Vcrify that instructions for operatm& and checking the operation of the instrument have been supplied and record the result oithis verification. (‘heck for all items listed in (‘lause 1(1.
5.2.3 Type of radiation detector
Identify and record the type of instrument (gamma only or gamma/neutron) and the radiation detector types used (e.g.. Nat, Cu’. HPGe. ‘He). Veril the type of alarm from the manufacturer’s documentation (audible, visible. vibratomy) and record.
5.2.4 Size
Note the dimensions specified by the manufacturer. Measure the dimensions (thickmiess, width, and length) of the instrument and record.
5,2,5 WeIght
Note the weight specified by the rnanufacturer
5.2.6 Case construction
1-/sammne the case to verify that it is smooth, rigid, has no wicovered openings to the interior space, and has the reference point for the detector marked. Record the results at’ the examination.
5.2.7 Photograph
Photograph the instrument and retain the photo in the record.
5.3 Operating modes
5.3.1 Requirement
The Instrument shall have at least two different operating modes as follows:
Roujine mode: An operating mode that includes detection and identification of radionuclidcs and exposure rate measurement. Also may be called the “simple mode.”
— Restricted mark: An advanced operating mode that can be accessed by an expert user (i.e.. via password) to control the parameters that can affect the result of a measurement (e.g.. radionuclide library, routine function control, calibration parameters, alarm thresholds). Also may be called the “advanced” or “expert” mode.
5.3.2 Test method
The manual shall be reviewed ind direct observation of the instrument display made to veiiI, the
requirement. The results of the verification shall he reeordcd
5.4 Markings
5.4.1 General requirements
All external instrument controLs, displays, and adjustments shall be identified as to function. Internal
controls ticeded for operation shall be identified through tnau’kings and identification in technical manuals.
External itiarkings shall be easily readable and permanently fixed under normal conditions of use
(including use of normal decontamination procedures).
The following niarkiiigs shall appear on the exterior of the Instrument or each major subassembly (i.e.. detector probc) as appropriate:
a) Manufacturer and model number
b) Unique serial number
c) Location of the effective center(s) or area(s) of detection (reference point)
d) Function designation for controls, switches, and adjustments that are not menu or software driven
5.4.2 Test method
The instrument shall be inspected and the results of the Inspection shall be recorded.
5.5 Communication interface
5.5.1 Requirement
The insintinent shall have the ability to transfer data to an external device, such as a computer. The transfer should he based on a hi-directional port that meets the requirements of lthcrne(. USK, wireless, or other electronic means such as a removable media device. Consideration should be given to data security when using wireless data transfer techniques. The technique used shall conform to applicable IEEE protocols. Communication protocols shall be described in the technical manual and proprietary fonnats shall not be used.
Proprietary sotfware should not be required for remote data inlerpretation. The transferred data shall be in the XML format. The nianufocturer shall provide proprietary software for data interpretation. if needed
The data format defined in ANSI N42.42 shall he used.
5.5.2 Test method
The data transfer requirements are sen tied in step 5.6 and step 5.10.

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