ANSI X9.58:2007 pdf download

ANSI X9.58:2007 pdf download

ANSI X9.58:2007 pdf download.Financial transaction messages – Electronic benefits transfer (EBT)- Food Stamps.
5.3 Data element types
The third message component is made up of a series of data elements. Messages are constructed using the message bit map as an index of data elements that are present. Some data elements are of fixed length and some are of variable length. The actual length of any given variable length data element shall be provided in its fixed length prefix.
There are two types of data elements used in this standard:
a) a primitive data element (see 5.3.1)
b) a constructed data element (see 5.3.2).
The message structure does not preclude the use of additional data elements in a message as required for
national or private use.
5.3.1 Primitive data elements
A primitive data element is a data element where the content has no further part or sub-elements, e.g.. Response code.
5.3.2 Constructed data elements
A constructed data element is a data element where the content consists of a fixed number of sub-elements, all of which shall be present, e.g.. Card acceptor name’1oat,Qn. If there is no data for a parlicular sub-element I shall contain the relevant default values, e.g., blank or zeroes. etc.
In some cases the structure of a constructed data element allows for a number of repetitions of the fixed structure e.g., Amounts, additionaL Although the sub-elements of each repetition are fixed they may not always be sent, e.g.. the number of repetitions is optional within the limits set. Where a repetition is sent it shall contain all the defined sub-elements.
6 Data elements
6.1 Data element directory
All data elements identified in this standard are listed in alphabetical order in Table 2 and in numeric order by message bit map In Annex A. The primary bit map position (e.g.. 3 for Processing code data element) is indicated in the “Bit column. If the named item is a sub-element, the sub-element position within the data element Is indicated. For example. “3-2” for sub-element Axount type indicates it is the second sub.element of the data element, Processing code.
Codes under the control of the ISO 8583 RMMG and the ANSI X9ABI I working group are listed in Annex B and referenced in the “notes column in Table 2. Codes with a fixed number of possible values (e.g., V or N etc.) are listed directly in the lorrnar column in Table 2. If the code is not under the control of the ISO 8583 RMMG or the ANSI X9AB1 1 working group, the organization which maintains the list of alocated values is indicated In the notes column in Table 2.
6.2.8 Replacement amounts (bIt 95)
The Replacement amounts data element is a constwcted data element made up of four sub-elements totaling 42 characters, including the signs on the fee sub-elements. Absence of data is indicated by zeroes. The sub- elements are as shown below:
a) Actual amount, transaction n 12;
b) Actual amount, settlement n 12;
C) Actual amount, transaction lee x + n 8;
d) Actual amount, settlement lee x + n 8.
6,2.9 Track data element (bIt 35)
If track data is not present, Date. expiration (bit 14) shall be mandatory in the 0100. 0200. 0220, 0420 messages.
If sent, ii shall be returned In the 0110, 0210 or 0230 message.
6.2.10 National POS geographic data (bit 59)
National POS geographic data Is a constructed data element of 17 positions identifying the state, county, postal service code and country code where the point of service device is physically located. The sub-elements are as shown below:
a) Statecoden2;
b) Countyccden3;
C) Postal service code an 9;
d) Countrycoden3.
lithe National point of servrce county code (bit 59-2) is unavailable and National point of service postal service code (bit 59-3) and National point of service country code (bit 59.4) are present, this data element shall be zero- filled. It National point ci service country code is present. National point of service postal service code Is blank- filled,
7 Message and Transactions
7.1 General
This standard specifies a message protocol, i.e. the circumstances under which particular messages.transactions shall (or may) be sent, the relationship between one message/transaction and another, but not the commercial responsilities which flow from a particular message/transaction being transmitted.

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